Thankfully Tim could take me and all 6 eggs made it to today. I was so worried. He brought us into the office and my heart sunk. He said we have 3-8 cell, 1-7 cell, 1-5 cell, and I don't remember what the last one was, but I think it was a 5 cell. So we decided to put 2 of the 8 cells back in and freeze the remaining 4. If this doesn't work, he is willing to put 4 back in next time. I am still taking my progesterone and if we get the long awaited BFP then I will take it up till the 10 week point.
Thats a little scary only because I can't reach my butt to do it myself, so Tim, get ready, you are needed to poke me with a shot each night. (Totally worth it)
I am so excited, its all I can think about. Now I am off to chill with my tivo and let things settle in. I am SO ready to know already. Here's to the longest 2ww of my life.
I go in for blood work on the 18th which is only 9 days away, and again on the 21st. We will have a more definite answer on the 21st after watching the numbers change.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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