Rolls back to belly and belly to back. It just clicked on day and now anytime you lay him down he rolls to his belly. Going to his back isn't as easy on him.
Fake coughing still
Sitting up in everything
Trying to stand in the bumbo - bad idea Pulls to standing when sitting in my lap in the chair. He uses the arm of the chair to pull up.
Sitting unassisted for short periods
Tries sitting up when laying with the slightest incline (like head in a pillow)
Highchair, exersaucer, bath tub, cell phone, Tivo remote, hair, faces, all the pets, people, his new little tikes swing, and food.
Baby Swing, bumbo, rocking, naps, pacifiers, and bottles. Oh and still the car seat.
Wearing a size 6-9 months but all onesie styles are too short and he needs a 12 month. Weighs 17.8 pounds, 26.75 inches, and wearing size 3 huggies diaper. His thighs are so rolly-poly and his knees disappear. His hair is getting longer but is a super fine super soft peach fuz. His eyes still cross a little but are 100% brown now and he right foot still turns in some.
Funny things he does:
Talks with his hands, blanket, your hands, and now the boob in his mouth. He is most talkative when chewing something. Its so cute.
When you help him jump be sinks down and let's you do all the work. He loves it but doesn't understand jumping yet.
There are often times he dive bombs you, mouth wide open - just to chew whatever he gets his mouth on.
Leiland is now a daddy's boy. The other night Tim was .ate so I was swinging Leiland to try to keep him up. He was dozing in and out of sleep till Tim got home. When I grabbed him to put him to bed he was still in his zombie daze. We sat in the chair to rock and he caught a glimpse of Tim, smiled and popped right up. He was so delighted Tim was home.
Still not napping well but improving.
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