Wow - first opps for falling so far behind.
So this Christmas was a little different. Tim is deployed so we celebrated as a family before he left. We put the tree up after Thanksgiving. The kids had a blast doing the ornaments and both of them did fantastic. The boys had a blast. They each got a new iPad mini so they can each have their own and I will be taking back the original one they used to share. Owen got an awesome blaze toy that turns blaze from a monster truck into a race car. He absolutely loves it. Leiland got connect 4 which he needs more practice with and they both got a couple other small things. Tim took Leiland to get me a gift. So freaking sweet and Leiland picked out a kitty. They couldn't take her home that day, so when I called the next Monday about coming to get her they basically said the foster family was keeping her. Bummer.
So because Tim would be gone the kids and I came to Michigan. I planned the trip to leave on the 16th after Leilands 1/2 day of school. I really struggled to get everything I needed to done before I needed to leave. The day before Leilands teacher invited us to his class party. We had a blast but it delayed me packing some and so we got on the road a bit late. We had planned on stopping halfway which we were able to accomplish. The second day we had to stop early but then got the rest of the way and arrived in time to celebrate with my dad and Kris. The next dad we celebrated with Nana and Papa. We had a blast. We went to see Santa. Leiland asked for a bell from his sleigh and Owen was nervous but excited. He wouldn't sit ON santa but did sit beside Leiland and proceeded to talk to Santa the entire time. I was pleasantly surprised by this.
Through the week we tried to visit as many as we could. We arrived with Leiland having a cough which turned into Owen being sick by Christmas and now Elissa has caught the bug. We head home tomorrow and honestly I am so ready to be home. Its so very hard to travel and stay with other people with a fussy baby and sick kids. I miss home thats for sure.
So as far as Christmas goes - oh it was fun. Christmas eve the kids had a blast with the whole family here. Owen was quiet and shy till Anna arrived. He was so happy to see her. They loved the treats. Presents were kinda crazy and overwhelming. Leiland was so excited and happy about everything he got, thanked everyone, and was just a joy. Owen fell asleep around 3 and napped till I tried waking him at 530. Then he wouldn't wake till around 6. He opened his gifts and is SO in love with his new blaze toy and thomas mini's. Ellie was gifted some gorgeous little outfits and I can't wait to put a few on her. The big kids were excited about putting cookies out for Santa and went to bed great. Leiland passed out right away. Kayla got up as stockings were being filled. Oops. Then James got up a bit later. Owen was up all along because he slept so long. He finally went down around 11pm. The next morning the kids got up. Leiland didn't wake me first but thats ok. He came to get me and I woke Owen. Owen took awhile to get in the groove. Leiland LOVED his stocking. He got so excited over every little thing and wanted to show everyone how great it was. Santa brought him the bell from his sleigh and Leiland was overjoyed. Santa also brought Leiland a little art set with an easel and paints. I can't wait to do that when we get back home. Santa brought Owen a very cool big stuffed blaze which Owen bruised off that morning but now loves. Ellie slept through all of it but she was brought a beautiful little bunny. We spent the day hanging out. My mom, Dave, Anna, Jason, and William came by in the afternoon. WE played the wii quite a bit and then we had some Chinese food for dinner. YUMM. We also played quelf and I won. Thats rare. Owen fell asleep early again. He passed out at 4pm on me. I laid him on the couch to not sleep too long but that didn't work. So I put him to bed and he got up for the day at 1am. My bad.
So now Christmas is over. Laura went on vacation right after Christmas and so we stayed at her house till now. So now we are heading home tomorrow. The boys are ready to be home. So exhausted. Ellie is sick and just not feeling great. But she's cute as can be and being so sweet with everyone. She is starting to laugh now which OMG its so precious.
Its crazy to think this time last year is when we conceived her. Yes we were trying but never in my wildest dreams would I expect for it to work. My Christmas wish come true is in my arms this year.
Ill add in pictures once home and caught up a little.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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