5:00 - woke to eat
5:20 - up for the day
5:33 - diaper change
5:42 cranky
So we snuggle
5:57 nurse for 8 minutes
Fall asleep from eating
6:16 - JM with mommy (still sleeping)
6:53 - Put to nap on the couch for better sleep
9:29 - wake up
9:31 - diaper
9:34 - Zantac medicine for reflux
Not a fan
10:28 - get dressed
9:42 - chill so mommy can shower
9:55 - over it
10:00 - cranky
so we play some
10:03 - time to eat - nursed for 13 minutes
He always holds my shirt or necklace
burp and puke a little
10:25 - try the swing
11:29 - not happening
10:33 - out
11:19 - awake again
12:30 - nurse for 8 minutes
11:39 - cry because of reflux
Sing songs with itunes
12:00 diaper change
Watch the monkeys for 10 minutes
12:21 - playtime
12:25 - over it
Soothed by a pacifier - that rarely happens
Terrible picture - hilarious cheeks
13:00 - out
13:37 - on couch for better nap
14:48 - awake
14:52 - Nurse for 11 minutes
15:05 - dozed off
16:08 - just kidding
15:13 - practice using stomach and neck muscles - too busy staring up at the lights as usual
Play a little more
15:20 - enjoy the standing position as usual
15:25 - help mom with diaper laundry
15:30 - refuse to let mom do laundry
get kissed by dog - stop crying for 2 seconds
15:34 - try moby so mom can fold just one load
15:44 - nope not happening, back to crying
15:47 - desperate diaper change
15:58 - napping again
16:14 - napping in swing
16:42 - naps over
Chill with mom
Be happy
16:53 - no longer happy
16:54 - nurse for 7 minutes
17:33 - nurse a little more (about 8 minutes)
17:52 - nurse some more
18:10 - fall asleep
18:52 - moved to couch
20:10 - still sleeping
22:20 - Wake him to give medicine, change diaper, dress for bed
23:28 - nurse for 17 minutes (ouch)
24:01 - climb in bed for the night
4:15 - wake to nurse for 8 minutes (its been 5 hours 45 minutes)
7:40 - wake for the day to come
Realistically he usually fusses a little more then he did this particular day and I blame it on the fact that he doesn't always nap too great. We are working on it though
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