He woke at 2 am to eat and nursed a good 20 .minutes. Then when I thought he was done I put my boob away and as I went to lift him to burp he puked everywhere. He soaked my clothes down to my underwear, his jammies, the boppy, carpet, and the chair we were in. What a mess. So about 245 I had him and I both cleaned up and him back to sleep. Poor guy I don't know why he is puking again.
Tim and I got up at 330 to get ready for Tim to go to the airport. I left Leiland in bed till it was time to go. He woke for a moment but was back to sleep. He slept the whole way there and back. When home I left him in the car seat since he was sleeping. Then when he fussed I put Jim in his swing where he continued to sleep. In total he slept for 6 hours and some change. He went 7 1/2 hours before eating again. I was so happy. Then the rest of the day was a nightmare. He was fussy just about every minute he was awake.
I finally took him upstairs to try one last feeding about 830. He fussed a little but finally slept. He woke at 1 to eat and then just screamed for so long. Finally the dogs were up so I had to let them out. While downstairs I couldn't seem to settle him so I rocked while he cried. He finally fell asleep about 230. We both did. I woke at 530 because the dogs wanted outside. Reluctant to wake Leiland I tried laying him on the couch and would join when the dogs came back in. But as usual he woke up so he wanted more food. I nursed him and tried to get him back to sleep but had no luck.
Since that first feeding the day has followed this pattern.
- Sleep for an hour
- Wake to eat
- An hour later be back to sleep
- Repeat
Sounds fine and all but he isn't getting any good sleep. I've tried his crib with the noise machine on and set to womb, I have tried the swing, and I've even just tried holding him. This poor boy is Exhausted. He is also still spitting up a good amount. I think its partly due to over eating while trying to sleep.
I don't know what's going on but he is miserable. I am exhausted and just want to make him feel better. Is this a growth spurt? If so how long till it passes? I just want my happy baby back.
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