So, I wait. Its not as hard as I expected but we just put embryos in 3 days ago. Its crazy its been 3 days already. This weekend was so busy packing.
Yesterday I was nauseous a couple time but not bad. Then when I gave myself my shot I got SUPER light headed and nauseous and I had to crouch to the ground because I thought I would otherwise fall over.
Today very slight nausea. TERRIBLE heartburn at one point. Now my left nipple is tingling. Weird. Sorry if thats TMI
I took a cheap dollar store test this morning. I showed Tim and we both agree it was negative. But I SWEAR I could see the faintest of lines. I tried to take a picture but you can't see it. So its considered negative.
I am currently 3dp5dt (3 days past a 5 day transfer)
I will take another cheapo test in the morning, just to see. Then Wednesday I will use a real test.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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