I found this online and I like it.
1. Decorate your husband’s vehicle in pink and blue ribbons and bows. Write on the windows with shoe polish…Guess What Daddy??
2. Buy a baby rattle, baby booties, baby bottle, a bib and a small teddy bear. Tie them together with ribbon and hang them over the rearview mirror in your husband’s vehicle.
3. Hang a “Baby On Board” sign in your husband’s window.
4. Put a baby doll in the front seat of your husband’s vehicle, seat belt the baby in with a card of Congratulations.
5. Have a Parking Sign Made and put it in your driveway. “Pregnant Women Only” or “Dads Only”.
6. Rent a Stork yard sign – have them write on it “Welcome Home Daddy”
7. Post signs on the side of the road – on the route your husband takes home from work. Attach two balloons to the top. Write, Congratulations (name) you are going to be a Daddy.
8. Announce your pregnancy on a “Billboard” that is on your husbands way to work.
9. While your husband is taking a shower, go in and write on the mirror, “We Are Having A Baby” and a bunch of little hearts with your lipstick.
10. If you are not sure how your husband will handle the news and he needs reading material in the bathroom, staple a note or card in the magazine, Congratulations! You are going to be a Daddy around (Your Due Date). At least he will be in the right place.
11. Have a Bath towel embroidered saying “Daddy-To-Be” and hang it on the towel rack.
12. Buy a baby bottle, put your pregnancy test inside with a letter from you or a letter from the baby. Run a bubble bath for your husband and put the bottle in the tub before he gets in.
13. Put Baby Shampoo and Baby Bath in your Shower or by the bathtub.
14. Buy Pre-Natal Vitamins and put them by the kitchen sink or next to sink in your bathroom.
15. If your doctor writes you a prescription for prenatal vitamins, give the prescription to your husband and ask him to get it filled for you.
16. Wear a t-shirt that says, “Baby on Board” or “Baby due in the month that you are expecting”.
17. Buy small baby toys and put them under your husband’s pillow and under the covers on his side of the bed. If he asks what’s going on, tell him he is going to get used to toys being around the house.
18. Put a baby diaper in your husband’s underwear drawer. Write on the diaper,”You are going to be a Daddy”.
19. Have a scavenger hunt in your home. Put a note where your husband can find items such as a wedding picture, anything that you both enjoy and eventually lead him to a pregnancy test, baby book, baby bottle ect.
20. Sit down with crayons and coloring books and just scribble…when asked what you are doing, reply with…I need to practice, we are having a baby.
21. Decorate a bedroom in you home with balloons, streamers and a Banner that says, “Future Baby’s Room” include your due date.
22. Buy a “Shhh..Baby Sleeping” Door Hanger and put it on the future baby room.
23. Play a game of scrabble and do your best to create all words pertaining to baby.
24. Play a hand of cards with your husband, be sure to write on them “Congratulations, You Win!..then write Baby’s Due Date”.
25. With a washable marker, write on your belly, “Hi Daddy”.
26. Wrap a ribbon around your belly area and put a bow on.
27. Buy a bag of Pink and Blue balloons and helium tank, blow them all up and have the pregnancy test wrapped around a ribbon from a balloon.
28. Put pink and blue balloons filled with helium in a large box with a parenting book. Wrap it up and give it as a gift to dad.
29. Put your Positive Pregnancy Test in a Card that says Congratulations.
30. Have a T-Shirt made, “Daddy-To-Be”.
31. Buy a glass jar and have them engrave “Daddy-To-Be” with your due date on it. Fill it with pink and blue M&M’s.
32. Buy a Key Chain that says “Daddy” on it and put it on your husband’s key chain.
33. Buy a necklace charm that says “Dad” on it.
34. Have a Bracelet engraved, on the top write “To Daddy” on the Bottom “See you Soon”
35. Buy a paperweight for your husband’s desk that has a poem about Dads. Have a co-worker give it to him or leave it on his desk.
36. Buy 9 roses or how ever many months until your due day and attach a congratulations card to the vase.
37. Make a mini scrap book from the time that you met all the way to you getting pregnant. On the last page put a picture of a stork with your due date.
38. Have a Custom coffee cup made, “Daddy-To-Be” and exchange it for his favorite coffee cup.
39. If your husband is a cook, have an apron made that says, “Cooking for 3”.
40. Create a Dinner Menu that lists Drinks: Baby Formula, Baby Apple Juice, Breast Milk, Appetizers: baby peas, baby carrots, baby green beans, baby squash, Main Course: Baby Back Ribs, Baby turkey, Baby Turkey Dessert: Applesauce, Teething biscuits ect and ask him what he wants for dinner.
41. Next time your husband asks you to get him a drink, fill a baby bottle up with his favorite beverage and hand it to him.
42. Bake your husband a cake and write “Congratulations Daddy” or “Daddy-To-Be”
43. Order a cake or large cookie announcing the news and have your husband go pick it up.
44. Make your husband breakfast and also serve cinnamon rolls or buns. Tell him that you have a bun in the oven.
45. Put a new label over the milk carton (Breast Milk – For Baby Only- Due Date)
46. Order pizza for delivery and have them write “Daddy”, with your husband’s favorite topping.
47. Take your spouse to his favorite restaurant and have them put a little flag in his drink or in his dessert saying, “Congratulations! You are going to be a Daddy”
48. Take your husband to lunch or dinner and ask the hostess to bring a high chair to the table. When your husband asks what it is for: share the great news.
49. Make reservations at a restaurant for “3”, when your husband asks who else is joining you, just say they won’t be here for 9 months.
50. Prearrange with a restaurant, give them little plastic booties, bottles ect and have them put one in his drink, one on the appetizer plate, one on his meal plate ect. See if he can figure it out.
51. Go out to dinner and order more then you usually do and burst out with, “I am eating for two”.
52. Have fortune cookies made that say, “We are having a baby”.
53. Take your husband to the same place that he proposed to you and get down on one knee and hand him a bracelet box that has your pregnancy test enclosed.
54. Buy Baby Bibs that say, “I Love Daddy”, “I Love Grandma” or “I Love Grandpa” wrap them up and give it as a gift.
55. Buy Baby Booties, wrap them up and give it to them as gift with a card saying Congratulations.
56. Buy a Photo Frame that says, “#1 Daddy”, “#1 Grandma and Grandpa” or “#1 Aunt and Uncle”.
57. Have a picture taken where you are holding your belly, at the bottom of the picture write “Expecting a Miracle” and “Due Date”. Frame it and give it as a gift.
58. Go to a department store that has a “Baby Registry”, with your husband and as soon as you walk in, ask him if he wants to sign up for the baby registry today because you only have so much time before the baby arrives.
59. Go to the store and visit the baby department. Say to him, “Do you think we will be having a girl or boy in “The month you are due”?
60. Have a sky writing company, write in the sky, You are going to be a Daddy.
61. If your husband listens to a specific radio station every day, call them to see if they can announce the great news for you.
62. If your husband reads the local newspaper daily, put an ad in the newspaper announcing your pregnancy.
63. Contact the local movie theater and have them arrange an the announcement on the screen before the Movie begins.
64. Create your own Movie Ticket with Dad’s Name, Expected due date ect. Ask him to go to the movies and give him the ticket.
65. Plan a movie night and have the movies centered around pregnancy.
66. If you know a police officer, have him stop by the house telling your husband he is under arrest because of an unpaid ticket – have the officer give his a ticket saying “Congratulations”
67. This needs to be pre-arranged but you can go to a comedy club and have some one ask for all the men under the age of 35 (example) to stand up, Have them ask all single men to sit down, Have them ask anyone whos’ name is in not “Dave” (example) to sit down. Have them say, who ever has a wife whos name is “your name” to remain standing and everyone else sit down. And the announcer can announce the news.
68. If you attend church on a regular basis, share the news with others and ask them to walk up to your husband and say “Congratulations” ONLY! Have your preacher come up and Congratulate him on being a Dad-To-Be.
69. Have family and friends get together for a surprise party, when your husband arrives..have everyone say “Surprise you are going to be a Daddy”
70. Around Christmas Time, put a gift under the tree addressed to “Daddy-To-Be” Enclose a parenting book for dad.
71. At Christmas – Hang Stockings over the fireplace and have one just for “Baby”
72. At Christmas time. When you sign the cards that you send out to family and friends, put your name, your husbands name and TBA in “the month you are due”.
73. If it is Christmas time, buy an ornament that says new mommy, new daddy, Parent-To-Be or Baby’s 1st Christmas and put it on the tree.
74. At Christmas Time or Easter, go visit Santa or the Easter Bunny with your husband. Tell the photographer to have Santa or the Easter Bunny ask your husband what he thinks that baby will want next year for their 1st Christmas or 1st Easter.
75. Around Easter time: Hide Eggs around your home, in one: Write a note saying, “You are going to be a big brother, sister or new daddy”
76. Around Valentines Day, Buy a Large Hershey Kiss and remove the tag, stick in your own tag reading “Congratulations Daddy”.
77. If you want to surprise your mother around her birthday or Mother’s Day – Order a cake that says Happy Birthday Grandma or Happy Mother’s Day Grandma.
78. Buy a “Grandma’s Brag Book” to announce the news to the grandparents.
79. Have a puzzle made announcing your pregnancy.
80. Have a 12 month calendar made with picture of you and your husband and family. The month that you are expecting, have a picture of a stork and the baby’s due date.
81. When you have your first sonogram, get copies and put them in greeting cards to announce your news to family and friends.
82. Create a family tree and add an area for the soon to be baby and put TBA or due in “what ever month the baby is due”.
83. Send out “Save The Date” Postcards – Have the date the baby is due.
84. Send out an invitation to join you at a family gathering, on the inside write your due date, the hospital, and ask for RSVP’s.
85. If you husband plays golf, write on his golf balls “Daddy” before he goes out for the day of golf.
86. Hire a singing telegram to announce the news.
87. Get a hotel room and have them put flowers, and baby items on the bed, along with a crib in the room.
88. Print out a candy wrapper that announces the due date, the parents, any brothers and sisters ect.
89. Create a website site or online journal and have the details listed.
90. Take pink and blue balloons with one helium balloon saying “I Love You” or “Congratulations” to your husband at work.
91. Have flowers (pink and blue carnations) sent to your husbands work with a note saying “Congratulations, you are going to be a Daddy” or “Congratulations, the test was positive”
92. Depending where your husband works, if they have an intercom, ask them to announce the news.
93. If you already have a child, buy them a t-shirt that says, “I’m going to be a Big Brother” or “I’m a Big Sister”.
94. If you have a pet, have a t-shirt made saying “Woof! Woof!..You Are Going To Be A Daddy”
95. Change the screensaver on your computer to say “Congratulations Daddy”.
96. If you know a banker at your bank, ask them for their help. Have your husband go to the bank with you to discuss your account/s. Have the banker ask your husband if he wants to set up a college fund now or if he would like to wait until the baby arrives.
97. If you have a regular tax advisor, when he sits down and goes over the paperwork with both of you, have him tell your husband that next year he will have a “NEW” tax deduction.
98. Have a friend call claiming they are from the IRS and ask him how many deductions he plans on claiming this year.
99. Buy a Piggy bank that says college fund on it! Leave a note that you only have 18 years and how ever many months left in your pregnancy to save for your new baby’s college fund.
100. Write a letter from the baby and give it to your husband.
101. Buy a Star in your baby’s name. Baby (last name). You will receive a certificate, a bear or a keepsake package.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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