My sweet loves...
#1: My pets. 2 dogs, and a cat who all come running to greet me every time I have been away. They wake me with sweet kisses every single morning, and love me all day long. They happen to also be the most forgiving creatures with an unending amount of love to give.
#2: A good job. Although I am not working, my husband has been so blessed to have a good job to support us. It also happens to be a job he enjoys. I have the honor of making his lunches daily, take care of his work clothes, and being his sounding board when he gets home each day.
#3: My camera, oh how I love my camera. I swear I wouldn't enjoy life with out being able to photograph it. I use my camera as an excuse... A reason to go places, a reason to scrapbook, and a reason to document life.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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