Leiland has done great with breastfeeding since early on. At first in the hospital we would get him on but he just wouldn't suck, but he also was not fussing or crying for food. I didn't worry but the nurses were pushing me to nurse every couple house and trying to force it. I was so happy to go home knowing that my boy would tell me when he was hungry. Leiland had lost a little weight in the beginning and was jaundiced but he was eating and meeting his pee diaper requirements and well exceeding his poopy diaper requirements. Again, not a worried mama. We had a short stint where I had some nipple soreness but I just learned to be diligent about getting him to open. It was hard with my rather large boobs and his fairly small mouth, but he grew and learned and we are fine. I am happy to say I NEVER considered quitting. I pump but struggle to give him a bottle. But we also struggle still with bottles. Its hit or miss if he will take one but seems to prefer the playtex original with the brown nipples. Overall breastfeeding is more special then I would have expected. We are still learning about each other, but we are getting there. He is a growing boy and he is doing well. We mostly nurse in the chair, I have tried in the bed but can't keep my boob from dropping out of his mouth, maybe when he is a little bigger we will be better with that.
Now we have been cloth diapering since Leiland was 2 weeks old. We have had our struggles that is for sure. And a couple weeks ago we went on a hiatis and wore disposables for about a week. But then Leiland started getting a sore on his waistline from the pampers. I felt so bad and we immediately went back to his cloth diapers. I am still struggling to love cloth, but I don't dislike either. I have a feeling once he starts pooping turds I won't want to do cloth anymore, but I guess some cloth is better then none. We shall see though.
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