What he loves:
His monkeys, he still LOVES his monkeys from his mobile
Bath time - he enjoyed his bath more, but not in the tub alone, that freaks him out.
The sound Ah
The word Cheeky
People - he loves seeing new people
Brahms Lullaby - always soothes him
Stroller Rides
His bumbo chair - he loves sitting up
His yellow bright starts dog
What he hates:
The swig - 95% of the time
Being put down for naps
Having a fully loaded poopy diaper (normal poops don't bother him)
Going to sleep
He is getting SO smiley lately and even at night when he is tired and cranky, I can usually rouse a smile or two out of him.
He is also holding his head up more these days, but he doesn't use his arms much at all. All with time.
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