So after our playdate yesterday Leiland and I drove to Babies R Us in Ontario. I carried him in so I could test out some of the strollers. I found one over by the cribs that was on clearance. After closer inspection I realized I really liked it. It was on sale because the car seat portion was missing, so it was just the stroller. Thats what I have been looking for. So I put Leiland around and tested it through the store. Its so easy to move, the handle has multiple positions for Tim and I, there is a decent basket in it, cup holders, the seat lays completely flat, its a one handed fold, stands up when folded, one handed open, a tray for Leiland, and the sunshade moved down in front if I need to adjust for the sun or even to block wind. Oh, and I put my car seat in it and I can use it that way too.
Im pretty happy with it and Leiland likes it. Its the Chicco Cortina in a tan and orange color scheme
My only complaint would be I wish the seat went a little more upright.
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