Potty training progress

We aren't potty training but do identify pee and poop when he goes. I also have a potty he sits on both clothed and nakked. Today he yelled poop. So i ran to change him and no poop. He didn't want to sit on the potty so I let it be and a few minutes later he pooped in his diaper. But thats so awesome he identified it before going. Thats progress.

TTC #2 - First cycle

So its official, we are ttc #2. We have never NOT tic but we are starting IVF as soon as my period starts. This will be our first cycle with frozen embryos, our 3rd IVF, and hopefully baby #2.

Today we met with the RE (Dr. Q) to see what the game plan is. As soon as my period starts I just have to call and we will be in progress. If all goes as planned we will be transferring 2 embryos around October 8-12th. My medications were ordered today and the schedule is so much easier than with a fresh cycle. I was very anxious about the frozen embryo transfer (FET) because its so foreign to me, but really its SO much easier.

So on CD 3 I start Delestrogen .3ml shots and take them every 3 days (CD 3, 6, 9) then on CD 11 I get bloodwork and an ultrasound to check. Delestrogen again cd 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39. I would also start daily injections of progesterone 1ml on CD 12 and Medrol dose pack (steroid to prevent rejection of embryos) CD 13-18.

Its crazy that we are here, it came so quick. We planned to start at the end of November/ early December however with the upcoming move - things were moved up.

Im honestly scared. I am terrified of another miscarriage, another instance of Ruth, and possibly twins. BUT I am so excited to get pregnant again and to give Leiland a little brother or sister. One more month and I can know if we should expect a new family member next June.

2 molars are through

I totally missed it, Leiland had a molar pop through. His bottoms have been so swollen for so long now thats where I have been watching. Well I was just looking and sure and shit his top left came through. Its more than just barely either so it must have been a few days or so ago. The tops just started swelling but the bottoms have been huge for over a month now. Oops, well helps me understand some recent teething pains he has had.

Then with closer inspection and pressing I can feel his bottom left just barely poking through.

Sick baby

Last week Thursday I watched my friends kids. While here one of them started showing signs of a cold. Then Sunday we went to a baby shower and by the evening Leiland was showing signs.

So it seemed like an easy cold - clear runny nose but that was all. As it went on it seemed to be better and one day it seemed almost gone. On top pf his cold he was teething really bad. So then Saturday we went to the park with friends and he was hood. Then it got worse. Today (Tuesday) I took him in. Last night he struggled to sleep because of coughing that was making his struggle to catch his breath.

So the dr checked on his fever, nose, ears, heart, and lungs. He was wheezing so the dr sent him for a chest xray. Leiland did so good. He was listening very well, read a book, and sat so nice for his xray. While we waited for the results I got some snacks and he loved a rice krispie. The dr took us back and said he has rsv/ viral pneumonia. We were prescribed an inhaler with a tube mask and an oral steroid.

He only took one dose of each but we will get more on tomorrow.

Aside from labored breathing the thing that tipped me off that something was wrong was all he did all day long was cry. He isn't like that ever.

I love him and his kind spirit. I just want him feeling better. I would take it if i could. But i cant so i will drown him in cuddles and love.

Molars are hard work

At this point Leiland hasn't gotten a new tooth in almost 2 months. We have had a few days where he has shown all the signs of teething. Yes they have been rough. But the last 3 days have been miserable. He is constantly drooling, whining, and just not his usual self. I can see the bottom two molars are getting there, but I can't see them through the gum surface just yet. They are swollen and bright red (white at the centers) and he will not let me look in. I only see them when he is laughing.

On top of the mood changes he also won't eat much.

Today from his nap he woke up and his first word was teeth followed by ouch. He slept maybe 35 minutes and whimpered most that time.

He still wears his teething necklace, takes teething tablets, gets advil 1-2 times a day, and sometimes he even gets orijel. He fights it all.


So Leiland was slow to learn the b sound. A little after a year he started saying ball but later than most babies I know. Well today he said baby with no trouble out of nowhere. Then when he was going to bed he kept saying baby - so I handed him his grover and asked if he wanted baby grover, he said no baby. So I grabbed a little puppy and said baby puppy and he responded with baby pup pup. It was so sweet. Now as he lays in his crib going to sleep he keeps saying baby. I can hear him altering the point of inflection and way he says it just to hear the difference. So sweet.