Lots happened

Twice in the pregnancy i noticed spotting. Finally went in just after 7 weeks and the ob said i was measuring right on. On Nov 19th i spotted again. Called the ob and she got me in. Checked my cervix and it was closed but she too could see blood. She sent me right over for an ultrasound. The u/s tech took forever and wouldn't even let me see the screen. I went back to the ob and waited on results. At this point i figure I've lost the baby. She finally hears back and tells me there is no heartbeat. There is a sac but no fetus. It also stopped growing about 6 weeks and 6 days.

So by now its 4 and i go home. I fill my heart with loves from Leiland and get my much needed hugs from tim. We eat and hang out on the couch for a bit.

Leiland does this new happy feet dance. And we have this leather thing that sits in the ottoman that tim eats on. Leiland's new thing is happy feet on that. This day he also had fun having his balls there too. At one point he went to get a ball that fell (as he had several times that night) and he walked off the Ottoman landing flat on his side on the floor. Tim grabs him after he starts to cry and hand hum to me. I saw how he landed and noted him not using his left arm. I tried calming him with distraction, walking around the house, food, songs, and a TV show.

Nothing calmed his cries but I couldn't see or feel anything wrong. I finally pulled his shirt off and noticed his swollen upper arm  i called tim over saying i thought he broke it. We both agreed the er was next. Tim licked the dogs and i got Leiland dressed. I just put a zip sweater knowing it was easy for x rays and brought a shirt for later. The car ride was terrible. He was in pain and just cried. I tucked his shirt under his arm to stabilize it and sang songs while i held a hand and rubbed his cheek. as we got closer he started dazing in and out. We arrived and i could keep him calm if i cradled him and held his arm just right so it wouldn't move. They took us back and gave him motrin and took his weight.

Back in the waiting room we waited maybe 10 minutes and were taken back. He was looked at then had an oral pain med. This helped quickly. He went for xrays and did great. Then while waiting to see those he fell asleep. They put a splint on without waking him. He indeed broke his elbow. We arrived before 6 and waited forever. They ended up taking me and Leiland by ambulance to children's national in Washington DC. We didn't leave toll 11 or 12 that night. Leiland was happy though and wandering the halls. Didn't use his arm but playing happily.

Tim went home to take care of dogs and give our friend a key. Then he met us at the DC hospital. Poor Leiland was exhausted. They admitted us, took more xrays as the medication wore off, gave him an iv, and kept coming in the room. The next morning at 5 we went up to prepare him for surgery. Surgery was at 6am Tuesday Nov 20. We then waited and went in before he woke. He was groggy but did ok. We watched Mickey and he drank apple juice. Then we went up to his room. I slept with him on my chest till the nurse woke me. We were encouraged to get him up and moving but he was so exhausted.

We did wake him and try to get food in him so we could go home. Stopped to fill prescription on the way home. He had Tylenol 3 and took that every few hours and motrin at night. 2 night later and he didn't need it anymore. He was doing great. The next morning at he he pointed to it twice saying off? I explained we couldn't and he didn't complain again.

Nov 30 we went in for xrays to check progress. He was doing great. Dec 14th he had the cast and pins removed. Now a week later he uses it a lot, straightens it, and you cant even tell. Amazing.


This morning I got a positive pregnancy test and went to get my blood work at 1:30. The results were positive with my HCG level being 8. 5 is considered positive so its positive just really low. I am honestly worried. Praying my heart out right now.


Took a test this morning and it was negative again. I kept going between thinking I could see the faintest of lines then back to nothing. No symptoms all day long making me think again that it didn't work - then at night slight nausea and minimal cramping. Who knows. I will test again tomorrow and see.

This time around I am taking progesterone and delestrogen until 12 weeks if we get pregnant. I never needed estrogen before so I don't know why I need that extra one. My bum is so incredibly sore right now. I am covered in knots and bruises. It hurts to sit down or to have my phone in my back pocket. The thought of doing my nightly shots literally brings me to tears and its sad.


Today is 4 days past a 5 day transfer. I took both a cheapo test and an FRER test this morning and both were unmistakingly negative. Last night I had slight carmping as I did the day before (usually associated with slight constipation) but then this morning nothing. This evening I have had a few moments of some cramping similar to my period starting. I recall this when I was pregnant with Leiland and it lasted a long time. So maybe thats hopeful?

Today I had this sad feeling come over me that it just didn't work. I know its SO freaking early but it wasn't because of a lack of symptoms. I can't pinpoint where the feeling came from.

As we entered into this cycle I barely entertained the idea that it might not work. I just figured our chances were really good because the two other times were a success the first time each. Then when they told us the quality of the embryos (blastocytes) was good and just ok, I was a little nervous. And right now I just don't have a strong feeling.

We shall see. I will test again tomorrow. I will inspect the readout of the test so closely. I can always see where the line SHOULD be, just its not always there. Then I will wait a little longer. Test again Thursday, and Friday. Just to see.

I got my first bfp with Leiland at 7dp3dt (10 dpo) and tomorrow I will be the same 10dpo. We shall see.

17 Month Update

Holy cow my bow is 17 months already. The past 5 months have FLOWN by. And he is just getting so big and losing all his babyness :(

He weighs in at 22 pounds even, wears a size 5 shoes, 2t or 24m shirts and mostly 18m bottoms. Some are getting small so we may be up to 24m in some brands this winter. Sleeping 12ish hours at night, and 2-2 hour naps a day typically. We are transitioning to 1 longer nap (about 3 hours) but he isn't quite ready just yet. But very close. I say by Christmas we will be down to 1.

He is still such a happy and easy going little man. FULL of snuggles: constantly gives kisses and hugs out of nowhere, and just a complete joy. He is just starting to do things to get people to laugh. Usually strangers. He is shy when he is tired or not feeling well but otherwise he will talk to anyone.

He is saying more words. More then I think I even know that he knows. He uses these pretty regularily now though - some are repeats from a previous list)
Mom (all day long)
Yes (so cute)
Dog (better annunciation)
Score (hilarious)
Lunch (doesn't sound right but I do know what he is saying when he says it)
No - all the time for no reason

He is getting a little better about sharing, if he is in a good mood. But it just depends who is around. His milk is NOT something he will let another child have though - he freaks out.

There is a ton going on with our move right now but he is taking it with stride. He doesn't even seem to notice everything is disappearing. He did enjoy the weekend outside while we loaded the POD though.

His favorite toy right now is his new shopping cart ($3 used) and a little baby doll he puts inside it. He also puts his drink in it a lot. I'll try for a picture. He likes his trike too but needs help still. With shoes on I can help him peddle and he can reach. I think by spring he will be riding it all on his own.

He is still doing great in his crib. No climbing and he barely even stands in there. When he wakes I go get him while he is tossing and fussing and sometimes he just lays and cries - waiting for me. He LVOES being greeted by the dogs. He is happiest when the dogs come in the room with me to get him. I am in no rush to put him in a toddler bed since he does so well in his crib. He does toss around a LOT at night and in naps, so I think he needs all 4 sides. He sleeps right up against the rails for comfort so I think he will fall out too easily in a toddler or twin bed. We will see though. He sleeps with his glow seahorse, a blankie, and usually 3-4 more stuffed animals. He also slept with a pillow while we were in San Diego and he seemed to like it, so after the move he will get a pillow too.

Potty training isn't started yet but I am laying some ground work for it. I have a frog potty thats been out since just after a year. He will sit on it and say pee and poo. He likes to come sit while I go potty. I have it more so he isn't scared for the most part. I now can tell when he is pooping and twice now he has told me before he pooped (within 5 minutes). I know he isn't ready yet but I can see progress to getting there. Maybe we will start around 2 years or so. Maybe 2 1/2 - depending on him.

We currently have 11 or 12 teeth. The last molar I am unsure about. We have been teething pretty hard this week so it may have come through but he is not allowing me to even look. THe other 3 are through though and I can see a good about of them now.

Leiland is still a good eater but his quantity has drastically gone down. He loves grapes, string cheese, black olives, chicken, Panera mac and cheese (no other), peanut butter, pretzels, and hot dogs.

So thats about it for 17 months.


So, I wait. Its not as hard as I expected but we just put embryos in 3 days ago. Its crazy its been 3 days already. This weekend was so busy packing.

Yesterday  I was nauseous a couple time but not bad. Then when I gave myself my shot I got SUPER light headed and nauseous and I had to crouch to the ground because I thought I would otherwise fall over.

Today very slight nausea. TERRIBLE heartburn at one point. Now my left nipple is tingling. Weird. Sorry if thats TMI

I took a cheap dollar store test this morning. I showed Tim and we both agree it was negative. But I SWEAR I could see the faintest of lines. I tried to take a picture but you can't see it. So its considered negative.

I am currently 3dp5dt (3 days past a 5 day transfer)

I will take another cheapo test in the morning, just to see. Then Wednesday I will use a real test.

IVF Update

So IVF has been going as planned. I did forget to start one medication on time, and I accidentally took one shot a day early. Hoping it doesn't make a huge difference though.

We did our transfer on Friday the 12th. We were able to put 2 embryos in again. 1 was good quality and the other ok. The 2 we didn't put in weren't growing or were slow/ behind where they should be.

I go in for bloodwork on the 19th to see if it worked.

This weekend I SHOULD be on bed rest, light activity and that isn't happening. I SHOULD be pushing it but I am not. We have to pack and move and that makes it impossible to sit around all weekend. I think its ok though.

So because Friday the embryos were 5 days (past ovulation) that puts me at 7 DPO right now. I am considering taking a test on Wednesday just to see if it shows up.

Tim and I have both made a guess and think it will work and it will be 1 boy.

We haven't really told everyone yet. My sister knows and a few friends. If it works I won't tell everyone until Christmas just for the fun of it.

Poor baby

Leiland has not liked sleeping in my bed since he was about 4-5 months old. I wish he slept better with me but its never been the case. 1 time when camping this summer but did great and just put his arms around my neck and went to sleep. Last week in San Diego there was 1 night he didn't sleep well so I brought him to bed, he fell back to sleep - so I put him back in the pack n play. He later fussed again so I brought him back to bed and he slept till 930. It was some great sleep. Then 3 nights ago he wasn't sleeping well so I brought him to bed at midnight and he slept great, just wanted to be face to face and arms around my neck. Yesterday same thing. He woke at 4:40 so in my bed he came and he slept till 7:30 and woke so happy. Last night he was up at midnight and I got him yet again (I don't mind one bit) and he really struggled to sleep but he is up there still at 7:30 passed out with TIm. I actually love it. He has never slept better with me and I love the snuggles. 

I KNOW this is because he molars are really bothering him right now. The last 3-4 days have been misery.

Zoo trip

While Tim has been working in San Diego we decided to come down to San Diego and squeeze in one more zoo/ wild animal park trip.

Saturday we first went to get Leland's first haircut - SO cute. Then after that we walked around the zoo till closing. Sunday we did the wild animal park.

So I don't forget the funny things he said...

While watching an elephant walk through the dirt and kick up a bunch of dust, Leiland yelled "Hot!!! HOT!!! HOT!!!" Tim asked why and I explained how he realized steam is a sign things are hot, so he thought it was steam.

We walked up to the Rhinos who were eating right against the fence line, and Leiland says "Snack" - close but much larger.

As for all the animal names - EVERYTHING is a dog. Who knew. Kinda makes me smile.

First nickname

Leiland has his first nickname. His little friend Tyler calls him "WeeOow"  its just so cute.

Potty training progress

We aren't potty training but do identify pee and poop when he goes. I also have a potty he sits on both clothed and nakked. Today he yelled poop. So i ran to change him and no poop. He didn't want to sit on the potty so I let it be and a few minutes later he pooped in his diaper. But thats so awesome he identified it before going. Thats progress.

TTC #2 - First cycle

So its official, we are ttc #2. We have never NOT tic but we are starting IVF as soon as my period starts. This will be our first cycle with frozen embryos, our 3rd IVF, and hopefully baby #2.

Today we met with the RE (Dr. Q) to see what the game plan is. As soon as my period starts I just have to call and we will be in progress. If all goes as planned we will be transferring 2 embryos around October 8-12th. My medications were ordered today and the schedule is so much easier than with a fresh cycle. I was very anxious about the frozen embryo transfer (FET) because its so foreign to me, but really its SO much easier.

So on CD 3 I start Delestrogen .3ml shots and take them every 3 days (CD 3, 6, 9) then on CD 11 I get bloodwork and an ultrasound to check. Delestrogen again cd 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39. I would also start daily injections of progesterone 1ml on CD 12 and Medrol dose pack (steroid to prevent rejection of embryos) CD 13-18.

Its crazy that we are here, it came so quick. We planned to start at the end of November/ early December however with the upcoming move - things were moved up.

Im honestly scared. I am terrified of another miscarriage, another instance of Ruth, and possibly twins. BUT I am so excited to get pregnant again and to give Leiland a little brother or sister. One more month and I can know if we should expect a new family member next June.

2 molars are through

I totally missed it, Leiland had a molar pop through. His bottoms have been so swollen for so long now thats where I have been watching. Well I was just looking and sure and shit his top left came through. Its more than just barely either so it must have been a few days or so ago. The tops just started swelling but the bottoms have been huge for over a month now. Oops, well helps me understand some recent teething pains he has had.

Then with closer inspection and pressing I can feel his bottom left just barely poking through.

Sick baby

Last week Thursday I watched my friends kids. While here one of them started showing signs of a cold. Then Sunday we went to a baby shower and by the evening Leiland was showing signs.

So it seemed like an easy cold - clear runny nose but that was all. As it went on it seemed to be better and one day it seemed almost gone. On top pf his cold he was teething really bad. So then Saturday we went to the park with friends and he was hood. Then it got worse. Today (Tuesday) I took him in. Last night he struggled to sleep because of coughing that was making his struggle to catch his breath.

So the dr checked on his fever, nose, ears, heart, and lungs. He was wheezing so the dr sent him for a chest xray. Leiland did so good. He was listening very well, read a book, and sat so nice for his xray. While we waited for the results I got some snacks and he loved a rice krispie. The dr took us back and said he has rsv/ viral pneumonia. We were prescribed an inhaler with a tube mask and an oral steroid.

He only took one dose of each but we will get more on tomorrow.

Aside from labored breathing the thing that tipped me off that something was wrong was all he did all day long was cry. He isn't like that ever.

I love him and his kind spirit. I just want him feeling better. I would take it if i could. But i cant so i will drown him in cuddles and love.

Molars are hard work

At this point Leiland hasn't gotten a new tooth in almost 2 months. We have had a few days where he has shown all the signs of teething. Yes they have been rough. But the last 3 days have been miserable. He is constantly drooling, whining, and just not his usual self. I can see the bottom two molars are getting there, but I can't see them through the gum surface just yet. They are swollen and bright red (white at the centers) and he will not let me look in. I only see them when he is laughing.

On top of the mood changes he also won't eat much.

Today from his nap he woke up and his first word was teeth followed by ouch. He slept maybe 35 minutes and whimpered most that time.

He still wears his teething necklace, takes teething tablets, gets advil 1-2 times a day, and sometimes he even gets orijel. He fights it all.


So Leiland was slow to learn the b sound. A little after a year he started saying ball but later than most babies I know. Well today he said baby with no trouble out of nowhere. Then when he was going to bed he kept saying baby - so I handed him his grover and asked if he wanted baby grover, he said no baby. So I grabbed a little puppy and said baby puppy and he responded with baby pup pup. It was so sweet. Now as he lays in his crib going to sleep he keeps saying baby. I can hear him altering the point of inflection and way he says it just to hear the difference. So sweet.

15 months

Holy cow.  We've been super busy this summer. After his birthday party everyone went home and Anna stayed. Then Laura had Kayla and so we flew home to return Anna. We stayed a month and now have been home a week. Tim gets home in a month as well.

o 15 months. He talks now a lot. Runs and climbs everything. Eats like a teenage boy but still isn't a good milk drinker. Weaned about 6 weeks ago and has 8 teeth with more on the horizon. Leiland has finally become a good sleeper. Right now hes up about 7 am with 2 - 2 hour naps a day and to bed about 8. He is also better about driving in the car finally. Not for long periods but still better. He is rear facing and I will continue until at least 2.

So words he says: (may not sound right but he tries)
Dog (doo)
Open (op)
Thank you (dant do)
More (mo)
Snack (nack)
Uh oh
Yogurt (gogur)
Night night (nuhnuh)
Down stairs
Pup pups

He is only about 21.8 pounds right now. He wears a size 4 diapers and 18m clothes still. He can pull off 12m but most are winter so we don't bother. He is taller but I wont know how tall till Tuesday. He is also getting more hair and ut actually looks blond. He loves cuddling babies, stuffed animals, the pets, and blankets. He sleeps with a few stuffed animals and blankets every night. He also uses a glow seahorse in his crib.

When he goes to bed he is good about waving night night to the pets, his pictures on his wall, dada in a picture, and the animals on his bedding. Moat times he just rolls over to go to sleep. Or he plays for a little then lays down. He tosses a ton though and sleeps wedged in the corner of his crib.

Favorite foods
Fruit- grapes, blueberries, and bananas are top choices.
Yogurt- vanilla, blueberry, and peach
Pop tart mini crisps
Dips (ranch, ketchup, mustard, sour cream, bbq, salsa, and sweet and sour)
Least favorite

4th of July 2012

So, today was 4th of July and we had a good day (minus the giant black widow spider sighting).  Leiland napped twice but neither was a great nap. We went to go to the movies but the times listed online were different when we got there, and so we missed 20 minutes and decided to go another day. Then we came home for Leilands second nap. We went to Apple Valley to see some live music, games, and fireworks. Anna did a rock climbing things then took Leiland in a jump house. We also did a dunk tank and Anna threw 5 balls and I threw 2. I hit the target on the first throw too. Leiland played a little game where you fish for an egg and get a prize based on the token color inside. He got a stuffed dolphin and enjoyed playing in the water. Then we walked to get some food. We shared a grilled corn on the cob, hot dog, nachos, and some garlic french fries (so yummy). Then I got Anna a cake pop for dessert and Leiland enjoyed it ALL. He ate a lot of the corn and just a couple chips with cheese. When we were done we wandered the shops they had and I bought Anna an Air Force pin for $1 and then we found a spot to sit for fireworks. Leiland enjoyed running up to people and waving then stopping mid run to dance. He is so cute with his dancing. Once fireworks started at 9 he was definitely tired but still doing good. he loved watching them and started saying some owws and ahhs. Mid way though he really wanted to nurse so I did that and come the finale he had to stop and watch and just smiled. He did so good, passed out after we got in the car, and went right into bed when we got home. Hopefully he sleeps good tonight. he hasn't even stirred from the fireworks outside tonight.

Sign Language: Please

Leiland signed Please for the first time and I am SO proud. He wanted more of one of his baby foods - the kind you suck out of the pouch. It was clear as day and so cute.


Leiland finally said dog just now.

Sitting outside murray family farms on our way back from sequoia he saw two dogs and shouted dog. He didn't get the g but he was for sire saying dog.

Proud Momma

I am one proud mama tonight. Leiland signed milk for the first time ever. He has known the sign since about 2-3 months but this was his first time signing it to me. Yay for my big boy.

Sleep Update

Sleep has been rough lately. Just before Leilands birthday he got sick with a cold that lasted 3 weeks. Then he had the stomach virus. During this his sleep got messed. When sick he would wake usually once, and I just rocked him for a few. Then after the virus he wasn't eating much, but wanted to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Not working for me. After he started eating better during the day I had to stop this. It took a night of just letting him cry. He woke 3 times that night and I went to comfort him each time, but when he was asking to nurse, I just laid him in his crib. The next day he took a 3 hour nap. Now he has stopped crying at night and is napping 1 time a day for 3 hours at a time. Works great for me. So I am not sure if it was a typical 1 year old sleep regression or being sick - maybe a combination but I hope this sticks again because I need my sleep.He was also crying more when I put him to sleep but now he is no longer fussing when I put him down to nap or go to bed. YAY for this big boy.


So Leiland is basically walking ALL THE TIME now. He doesn't fall much and stands on his own just fine from any position. I am even surprised when I see him climb over things, and walk through a pile of toys. Today I offered him milk from across the room and he started crawling over. I didn't realize HOW MUCH he walks until I noticed how strange it was to see him crawling. It was SO cute though and he was SO SLOW compared to walking.


Leiland feels a little better today woth his teething.

Its freaking. Cold. Yeaterday ot got to 68 and today its cold and windy. Its almost june.

Leiland ate an entire mango for dinner last night.

Birthday Pictures

Here are the pictures from the party - we had a blast and it was fun..






































Ready for my cake now

Birthday Party Pictures
















All clean - needed a bath after the cake

LOVE Auntie Laura





James loved helping Leiland with his cup















Ending the night as buddies